01 Mei 2012

Welcome visitor, firstable the author companion has many thanks for visit our blogsite. 
The Magazines International Media Publication Corp, inc. - The Clubbersbible Free Magazine online promotional, wants help from y`ll. Her name : Ma Ik Mey a.k.a. Megawati missing person.

雑誌国際メディア出版株式会社株式会社 - オンラインプロモーションClubbersbibleフリーマガジンは、y`のllの助けを望んでいる。彼女の名前:馬メイ別名メガワティ行方不明者

Last Address : Australia or somewhere. If you have recognized this person, please give us information to : themagscare@gmail.com or arieskusuma@gmail.com <<
Last occupation : English Teacher at Catholic University of Widya Mandala, Surabaya City - East Java, Indonesia.
Help wanted to anyone, has prize if you have given us informed clearly.
Thank you very much for your co-operated.

最後の職業Widyaマンダラスラバヤ市のカトリック大学で英語教師 - 東ジャワインドネシア



Missing people 2, Real name : Mikha Widjaja a.k.a. Oey San Mei, born date : December 01,1978. Last address : Jl. Flamboyan AJ-9, Waru - East Java, Indonesia (Perumahan Wisma Tropodo) Last Occupation ; Student at Yayasan Pendidikan Masehi Hari Ke Tujuh (YPMHK) Surabaya, Indonesia. Last seen since 1996 at Surabaya City. 
If you have recognized this person please given us information to : themagscare@gmail.com or arieskusuma@gmail.com << Just click on it.. 
Help wanted to anyone, has prize if you have given us informed clearly.
Thanks very much for your co-operated.
行方不明者2、本名:Mikha Widjaja別名Oeyサンメイ生まれた日:12月01,1978最後の住所:Jl。 FlamboyanのAJ-9、Waru - 東ジャワ、インドネシア(Perumahanウィスマ·Tropodo)最終職業Yayasan Pendidikan MasehiハリTujuhYPMHKスラバヤ、インドネシアの学生最後のスラバヤ市で1996年以降見られる。




The MIMP Authors 2012 May.

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